We have been SO busy the past week or so. Preston and I BOTH had the FLU!! Thankfully Jon didnt get it!! I think God was really looking out for me bc he knew I couldnt handle Jon being sick. he's SUCH a baby :)
I signed Preston up for MORE therapy. & we started our first session of Physical therapy today & it went well! Everyone I have met has been so pleasant & up beat to be around.. it really helps when you're dealing with such a touchy & emotional subject. I mean who doesnt want their child to walk, crawl, sit up & develop at the "NORMAL" speed?! I've also learned there is no NORMAL. my baby is absolute PERFECTION & I couldnt imagine my life without him. he is my world.
Thursday we have P's 24hr video EEG at Childrens in Birmingham...not looking forward to that AT ALL bc he is going to be so incredibly UNHAPPY! Praying for positive news & MAYBE we can actually get some answers.
...in other news...

oooh AND I got my car back! guess how much the total damage was???
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